
October Red Las In France the first of the international events.


Announced for some time on all company channels, the Las Red October is starting. The first of the Brand’s international […]

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Las Mobili Increasingly Plastic Free Oriented!


Las Mobili has decided to focus even more on sustainability and announces its goal to reduce its impact and develop an increasingly plastic free […]

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The future of office furniture is today.


Smart, deconstructed, agile, technological, designed for co-working. It is undeniable: the transformation of the work environment is already underway, as […]

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The new Sales Director Gianluca Catanese announces the main objectives of the Group.


A convention full of news, the one that took place on May 9th and 16th at Las Mobili in Tortoreto. […]

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Las Mobili Rebranding after more than 20 years.


Las Mobili redesigns its image starting from its primary essence: its own trademark. After more than 20 years the logo […]

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Convention in Las


IOD (YTT), acronym of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, was the inspiring reason for the meetings organized by Las on 9th […]

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Las Mobili among the companies of New#TourPmi


Always very close to the training of young people, Las Mobili takes part in an innovative project of research and […]

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Las Mobili opens the doors to the students of the I.T.T.L. of Atri


To spread the culture, the use and the passion for woodworking and office furniture, to discover the creative process and […]

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las@work n°4


the 4th issue of Las Magazine is online

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Orgatec Post fiera


Las Mobili brings a brand new TOTAL LOOK to the orgatec: and it’s immediately a trend! The “Culture @ work”, […]

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At Orgatec 2018 the TOTAL LOOK signed Las Mobili!


ORGATEC, one of the main international furniture fairs and a reference point for the office furniture sector returns from 23rd […]

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Office Space of the Future


Las interview with Prof. Francesco Varanini.

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